OK -- here is a pic of old me!
Back in 1978 or '79 I was working in the stock room of Superscope in San Fernando, Calif. This was the division of Superscope that build the audio cassette loader, the model 1341.
One of the guys working at Superscope then was Joe Ryan. Joe moved on when the cassette loader division closed, first to Gauss, then ASR, then BASF as I recall. Joe is now self-employed and sells packaging equipment and supplies to the same markets. I still keep in touch with Joe, and I will try to write about him soon!
Electro Sound purchased the cassette loader from Superscope and moved everything up to Sunnyvale. Electro Sound offered me a job, and I accepted. I moved to Sunnyvale shortly thereafter.
At Electro Sound I built the loaders, then into test and QC of the loaders, then customer support, test and QC for the loaders and bin loop duplicators.
Electro Sound was bought by Gauss, and the entire plant was moved down to Pacioma. I stayed with Gauss for about a year, working out of my house in the Santa Cruz mountains, for about a year, then quit, working for myself, reping Lyric bin loop duplicators for Rainer Zophy (the North American Rep) and brokering used equipment, mostly Electro Sound.
The audio tape business slowly tapered off, I started into retail, selling gargoyles of all things (still do http://www.gargoylestore.com), then garden objects such as fountains and benches, and now an art gallery. The gallery is called Stone Griffin Gallery and the web site is http://www.stonegriffin.com
I am now single with a twenty year old son, living in Los Gatos, Calif, and the gallery is in Campbell, Calif.