Saturday, January 28, 2012

Electro Sound is Still in the News!

Alert reader Martin Bonfert sent this picture in. Martin was  watching Modern Marvels on TV when this picture flashed on the screen! I am sure that everyone reading this should know what they are looking at — but, just in case — front view of an Electro Sound 8000 slave. This brings up names and memories of things that are not used much nowadays: packer arm, Saki head stacks, reel idler, Dolby HX Pro, tape cleaner fabric, pancake, centrifugal hold down knob... I do see what looks to be an aftermarket modification, a guide just to the left of the capstan sleeve. That is not original equipment.

Electro Sound in the News!
Apparently the episode was on retro technology, showing vinyl, audio cassettes and such being made.

This was probably filmed at Rainbo Records. Richard Flarity said that Discovery was in the shop filming some time ago.

Trinkets and doo-dads supplied by the Bonfert household.